Needham reiterates Buy rating on Amplitude stock following investor day
Mar 11, 2025 -- Needham & Company reaffirmed its Buy rating on Amplitude shares following the company’s investor day, highlighting innovations in AI, platform adoption, and enterprise growth.

According to Needham, "Amplitude hosted an investor day yesterday showcasing new innovations and a path to accelerating revenue growth."

The company is said to have unveiled new AI agents designed to "detect problems, perform analysis, and propose solutions, multiplying the ability of product teams to improve customers’ user experiences."

However, analysts noted that "the financial impact [of these AI agents] is too early to understand."

To drive expansion, the firm says "Amplitude is leaning into two interwoven targets: platform adoption and enterprise growth while shifting GTM resources to this strategy."

They add that early signs of success include "2.5x larger deals and 4x larger expansions."

Furthermore, Needham says the company’s revised $500 million financial model appears achievable within four years, implying that "the Enterprise segment [will] grow at a >20% rate over the next ~4 years while non-Enterprise grows at a low single digit rate."

Needham also highlighted the cross-sell potential within Amplitude’s platform strategy.

Looking ahead, the firm said Amplitude aims to scale its business while maintaining strong operating leverage. They note that management has set a long-term financial target of $1B+ ARR and 20%+ operating margin.

Needham added, "We expect continued operating leverage as Amplitude scales," with increased R&D investments driving further innovation.

Needham adjusted its FY25/FY26 estimates to align with Amplitude’s target operating model, though "operating income estimates remain mostly unchanged."